
Adventures in Naughtiness and Neurosis on the Spiritual Path

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's babysitting, not baby making

Why do all these movies from my childhood show some young, naughty teenager babysitting kids and then her boyfriend shows up and within 3 minutes they’re making out hardcore on the couch half-way to 3rd base (which I believe is the base of gazing deep into each other’s braces)

Wouldn’t taking care of other people’s minions be the opposite of an aphrodisiac? I think it actually keeps girls single at least until the end of high school if they babysit regularly. It just seems to be a perpetuated urban myth of the horndog babysitter and that needs to stop. Babysitters are schoolmarms, pre-marm. They’re not Alicia Silverstone. You just got called out, late-80s to mid-90s movies.

I think actual babysitting goes a little more like this:

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