
Adventures in Naughtiness and Neurosis on the Spiritual Path

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Life Force Energy, or How I realized raw food eating is like Reading Rainbow

Come along - as I take you on a Life Journey that nicely correlates to a book that I read...

(property of PBS, not me)

A few years ago, the Ace was reading the Celestine Prophecy on google books. We talked about it off and on, since one of his main takeaways of the book was the idea of acidic and alkaline foods.

It's an interesting topic and it makes sense -- healthy foods like fruits and vegetables produce a more alkaline environment in the body; not-so-healthy foods like colas and refined breads produce a more acidic environment in the body. The distinction is important because the human body is naturally more alkaline and so in its natural state, is more inclined toward health. Things like cancer grow in acidic pH environments...obvious benefits of eating healthy, right? You get to be healthy and sans tumors!

So we kind of got into researching acidic/alkaline for a while and eventually, the Ace bought the book Raw Food Life Force Energy by Natalia Rose. I wanted to read it, but I was reading a few other things at the time - plus I think we had just gotten Metal Gear Solid 4 -but finally after about a year, I realized if I really wanted to benefit from any of it, I was going to have to read it myself.

Changed my life.

From about age 14, I always kind of needed to lose around 20 pounds. 251421_f520

When I read Rose's book, I finally realized why, no matter what, my body stubbornly refused. She outlines a method of eating that I am sure would revolutionize any lifestyle - quick exit combining and eating living foods.

Basically, most of us have grown up eating Dead Food. We may think the fruits and vegetables we're consuming from cans or in TV Dinners are relatively healthy (they're low in salt and saturated fat, right?) but in actuality, those foods are processed, refined, cooked to the point of having very little benefit. It's sort of like eating flavored ash. And the preservatives & unnatural flavorings injected in them to enhance taste (which, forgive me, Healthy Choice, but it doesn't work) are essentially petrochemicals.

Eating Living Food (food that has not been heated over 120 degrees F) is the First step on the path for the die-hard freezer section junkie. Fresh fruit and vegetables (the most alkaline of foods) have the highest "Life force energy" or high frequency vibrations (without getting too detailed into her research, food grown closest to the sun receives more of its wavelength/vibrational energy and cleans out our cells - much like sunshine feeds plants, plants transmute the sun's energy to living animals). This means raw fruits, tasty salads, unpasturized goat cheeses (bovine dairy is for making baby cows into big cows, but goat's milk and its cheese is much more digestible for humans - and in unpasturized form is alkaline!), and high quality fish. You can still eat cooked foods of course, but in moderation. And steamed vegetables usually walk a line between 100-110 degrees (steam is 212 degrees but the veggies don't get that hot), so I have a bowl of steamed carrots and broccoli almost every day with dinner.

Second, Proper Combining! Stop combining meat with bread or cheese with bread. And only eat fruit by itself - fruit should never be eaten as a dessert or within 3 hours of eating another food type. This is because stomach acid uses different enzymes to digest different foods. Fruit is actually digested in the small intestine if it is the only thing in your stomach, that's how quick it leaves the stomach. If you have meat and fruit in your stomach at once - the enzymes needed for both separate foods neutralize one another and leave putrefying, fermenting food to decompose in your stomach for 8+ hours. Plus if you also ate some bread with that same meal, you may be brewing moonshine in your tummy.
And be ready for some butt hurt tomorrow.

Check out Natalia Rose's blog and her books for much more detailed information and eating plans. I just wanted to share since this method of eating and living has become an integral part of my life and has really given me a lot to rejoice over.

But don't take my word for it!

(Property of PBS, not me)

Note: I realize this episode has nothing to do with food or healthy lifestyles (quite the opposite in fact)...but of all the Reading Rainbow clips I could find, this one has a lot of Levar talking & not annoying 5 year olds pretending to read.
Also for my friend, JE.

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