
Adventures in Naughtiness and Neurosis on the Spiritual Path

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Favorite Costumes

'Tis the month of Halloween, hallowe'en, hallows, let's talk costumes!

Growing up, I was usually a tiger. Obvs.

But since ca. 1999, I've kind of skipped the costuming. Halloween is fun enough on its own, the almond joys (step off, kitkat), the wine, the PS3 demos. Plus, it's hard when you have big dreams of being Mulan but you can't find a stupid wig that fits or an authentic Chinese Jian (the General of all Swords) without entering the top 50 on the CIA's "Strange Persons of Note" list.
h2269 d

But this's year of the Tiger. Metal Tiger actually. So I'm thinking about bringing the old throw to costume back. . . FutureTiger style!

And don't worry, Reeses, I am not afraid of the dark this year! Well as long as I have my FutureTiger laser bow & arrow. fshwing, fshwing!

(I'm the one on the left)

This year, it's going to be my best costume yet. Unless I forget.
jian pimp

What are you best costumes ever?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! I hope your metal tiger costume turned out. I know this is random but I’m say the Jian is the “general of all swords” but isn’t the Dao the General? I know the Dao is one edge to the Jian’s two, making the Jian more graceful (“the Gentleman of swords”) whereas Dao was also used for slashing, an agricultural use, less graceful, but more adaptable and powerful. Just curious if you can shed any more light on these nicknames, and why. Thank you!