
Adventures in Naughtiness and Neurosis on the Spiritual Path

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bengali Tea Boys, or working with the crazies

bengali tea kahn

There was a great Indian teacher and master of Buddhism in the 10th century. His name was Atisha, and he is credited for bringing Buddhism to Tibet - and why lineages like those of the Dalai Lamas and Karmapas exist.

Atisha was renowned as the greatest living scholar, adherent and mentor in the teachings of the Middle Way. However, when it was time for him to go to Tibet, he heard many stories about the Tibetans - mostly that they were warm, earthy, patient, kind - and so he was afraid that they wouldn't push his buttons enough. So he decided to bring along a special guest. His little servant, who history remembers as the Bengali tea boy (Atisha was from Bengal, modern-day Bangladesh).

The Bengali tea boy was ill-tempered, annoying and just really drove Atisha nuts, presumably with his little sass mouth. So Atisha decided he had better bring the tea boy along, lest he become lax in his practice of patience or wain in his spiritual focus.

Well, ironically, he found the barbaric culture of warriors who awaited him in Tibet not in the least as ideal as he had feared, and so really had no need of the bratty little tea boy. The story of Atisha goes on, but for me this particular episode in his life is inspiring on a number of levels for my own practice.

Atisha, an accomplished and revered master, was still fully aware he had blind spots. He knew he wasn't perfect - and he admitted it. But he also knew he had a tendency to get lazy or feel like some kind of expert, so he made sure someone he couldn't stand was always there by his side to keep him on his toes, spiritually speaking. To make sure his ego was kept in check.

It is so helpful (when I can remember to do it!) to think of those annoying and seemingly psycho people that it feels so justifiable putting in the "Permanent Idiot Column" as little Bengali tea boys who have been specifically engineered to light my personal short fuses. As the mind-training slogan says, "Every situation is the perfect teacher." So it's almost like the whole universe has come together each moment to give us exactly the things we need; if that thing happens to be taken down off our pedestal a bit (for our own good) the universe gives us a manipulative co-worker or nosy mailman on whom to practice patience or understanding.

Now, this is not to say that no one in our lives ever means us harm or should be allowed to inflict constant pain on others. I think what the story is pointing out is the Habit of our reaction when we feel taken down from our pedestal, for me self-defensiveness and anger. Someone stepped on my foot and made me hop around like an idiot in pain? Well now I'll step on theirs! Take that!

tit for tat

In its most extreme forms, this tit-for-tat vengeful behaviour can turn into a war. Buddhist teachings about defensiveness and anger ask the question what are our other options? Can we forgive? Can we realize it was an accident? What else is there besides our own feelings of justification and anger?

Considering the difficult people in our lives in the slightly positive light of the Bengali tea boy not only takes some of the charge out of our anger, it also opens us up to grow. Because if we can at least be willing to work with the frustration, the blind spots that they point out (every chance they flippin' get) then it gives us the opportunity to really honestly examine ourselves and maybe learn a little bit about our own habits as well.

And through that knowledge, maybe we get a little space of liberation and relief. Plus, nothing pisses menacing tea boys off like smiling patiently right through one of their crazy episodes of drama entitled "me me me time" starring Me as Me. The best revenge is to be happy and have good life! Take that! (I'm still working on it)

Friday, August 27, 2010


I'm kind of a member of the punctuation police. And the pronunciation police. If someone says "NUKE-you-ler," I can basically never look on them with respect again.

I'm not proud of it. Confession!

Sometimes, though, people's mispronunciations just go too far, and I fully feel justified in pointing out the ridiculousness of their bold and stupid tongue.

Ever notice how in Back to the Future, Christopher Lloyd pronounces gigawatts "Jigga watts" like four hundred times and no one said anything to him? Or even bothered to fix it in post??

I know it's accepted pronunciation and language is functional...but that's like if I suddenly decided to start saying "yeah, I'm vacationing in Guh-maica this fall" or "know any good elephant gokes?"

Come on, Zemeckis. I'd expect this from Oliver Stone, but not from you.
Picture 2

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Tonight is the kind of night where you are hanging out with some red wine, or maybe watermelon lemonade (trademark: King of Drinks) and then someone just moseys on over and reminds you that something you "borrowed" three years ago is now needed once again to be in their possession immediately, and you're like Well I'm kind of loosened up right now, and it's friggin Thursday, so maybe this can wait 'til a more apropos time?

But oh no, they need it pronto. They're a busy guy, all right? They've got to update their Twitter in a few minutes here.

So you go check your garage (drink in hand. it's Thursday, after all) and you realize you don't have their stupid hedge trimmers and you know what? You would NEVER borrow hedge trimmers. Those hedge trimmers are no where near your person. So step off.

Why do people not respect Thursday? Check yourself.

My advice is, whatever you're drinking, if your homeboy tries to come by to collect something on a Thursday when it's 74 degrees and after 6 p.m., pretend whatever is in your glass is an Irish Car Bomb and you're ready to get something like "buckwild" and bust out your jazz fusion collection. They'll figure out pretty quick they don't want to stay long.

bike stealin

Friday, August 20, 2010

Harvest Time, or my I'm Excited list

We are coming into my favorite time of year - Harvest time. Or, colloquially, fall y'all.
There are several things I am excited about right now. And I don't mean to go all Oprah on you, but sometimes Oprah has rad ideas and we all just need to check ourselves before we get sassy with her.
oprah knows

Here's my I'm excited list.

  1. Fall!
    Seriously. Fall is like inviting a luxurious but kind of off-standish Leopard over to your house to stay for a few months. He's pretty snooty at first. Then, you both realize you like to let your Lucky Charms stand in milk until they get nice and soggy and before you know it, you're reading comics together while you tend your roaring fire and the Leopard is baking you raspberry scones and telling you about the time he opened for Grace Jones in Tokyo.

    I will be making my Leopard friend some pumpkin pies from scratch and taking him shopping with me for new kicks - check out these babies:
    Picture 1
    Harvest Leopard, you truly are a wonder. And oh, the matching scarves!

  2. This new movie by Darren Aronofsky called the Black Swan (more on that in a second)

  3. This video by Wolf People. And the song, Tiny Circle. Yeah, this is the jam. And thank you, skilled bearded musicians, for finally incorporating more flute into modern rock. Not since Thick as a Brick has the flute been such a worthy accompaniment a slamming track. Slamming!

Okay, this Black Swan movie is serious you guys. I know everyone loves Aronofsky because of Requiem for a Dream and they saw it and it rocked their world and they cried themselves to sleep for a few weeks or whatever after that blah blah.

But my first Aronofsky movie was the Fountain. And I totally wanted to take it home with me in place of my dreamtime cuddle friend, Admiral Baby Pillow. It really had an impact on me, sort of like how you feel after you drink too much blue drank at a birthday party. A little sick, but a little nice & fuzzy, too. 40% pleasant, 60% inspired.

And that's how this preview makes me feel, too. Except more like 71% scared, 25% inspired, 4% physically ill. I'm sure Oprah feels the same way.

Thursday, August 19, 2010



Thursdays are rad.

The only thing that can make Thursdays better is like, a drink and maybe some bounce house time.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Conan the Plumber

Look, I love you, Robert E. Howard, but you use the term “poop deck” with far too much regularity. AHEM.

conan the plumber
property of the miraculous frank frazetta, not me.

Seriously, it seems like every time Conan is on a ship in one of Howard's rip-roaring, capitally adventur-rific and lusty outdoorsman stories full of wily maidens and magical sabertooth cats, he's got to go up and down the poop of the ship about 47 1/2 times before anything can happen.

That said, it's probably some of the best fiction ever written. Take that, Nathaniel Hawthorne, you limp-wristed girl's blouse!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Non-molding gym shorts.
Think of it – you just finished a killer workout, you’re peeling the soaking fabric from your body and diving for the shower because you feel revoltingly gross and people are starting to whisper/faint.

Twenty minutes later, you’ve got “gym soap hair” (when you’ve used the “luxurious hand wash” provided to wash your scalp into a mullet) and you’re walking to your car in the freezing cold because the gym shower knob only has 2 settings: SURFACE OF THE SUN and ICE.

You throw your gym bag in the back seat of your car and fumble with the heater. You get home. You take real shower. You heat up some corn. You watch Netflix. You pass out over a bowl of corn.
You wake up at 3AM and slink off to bed.

You take the next day off from the gym. You deserve it and you kind of can't walk anymore.

Three days later, you decide you better get back to the gym (you’ve started putting butter on all that corn you’re eating) and go to grab your gym b-
What is that smell?
Whew, that is ripe! Did something die in your gym bag?
You unzip it – a wall of putrefaction punches you right in the eyeballs. What could it be? An ancient pair of dentures? Plague rats?

Then you find them…your gym shorts, left to huddle together in a damp ball amid puddles of your 4 day old sweat. Mold stink everywhere. Those shorts are DONE.
See, if you only had my No-Mold gym shorts all you have to do is worry about those gym showers. Terrifying.

Now we just have to think up a good name – No-Mold Gym Shorts doesn’t exactly trip off the tongue. Here is my starter list:
  • Smell-Eaze.

  • Flavians (ooh fashiony)

  • Slander Free!

  • Skrins.

  • Cannonball King Shorty Shorts

Obviously, I need your help. Please send in non-mold gym shorts names (or your pick of the brilliant list above) by commenting below.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


For your reading pleasure, an amusing vignette in which I ask Daft Punk to score my movie.


ME: Hello, thank you for coming. This is such an honor.

Daft Punk/Thomas & Guy: Hi. Cheers.

ME: So, umm, I hope your agent told you what is going down here. Um, basically, I am making a movie and I'd like you two to do the score. I think you'll really be able to capture the mood of the piece.

DP/Thomas: What's the movie about?

ME: a few words, which of course won't do it's about a Viking girl who is shipwrecked in Medieval Japan.
There's lots of beautiful kimonos and martial arts training.
And battles! Also magic.
Are you two at all familiar with shinto?

DP/Guy: Of course we are.

ME: Haha, of course!

Daft Punk's "Face to Face" begins to play out of nowhere. My face gets red. Really red. I fumble at my jacket pocket.

ME: Hello? No! What? No, I said DON'T call. Yes, I'm there now. No, I forgot to change the ringtone. I'll call you back. I love you, too. No, I love you more. Just shut up, will you?
Me laughing nervously
Sorry about that. Damn tigers. Anyway...

DP/Thomas: No worries. Look, tell us more about your movie.

ME: Well, so the Viking girl is learning all these new things about poetry and earth magic and the daily ritual of bathing. So it's really kind of a Bildungsroman. But with mounted archers... and tea.

DP/Guy: Do you play any instruments?

ME: ummm, What was that? Sorry, you have kind of a thick accent.

DP/Guy: Do you play any instruments? Any at all?

ME: Oh yeah, piano and violin. ...
Well, actually I used to play piano for a long time and I was pretty good, but now I kind of can't play at all. I still remember all my scales, though. And violin I was always kind of rubbish at because I hated the chairs we had to sit in - so all I remember is the Masterpiece Theatre Theme.

DP/Guy & Thomas: Hmm.

They have a little side conference in what is presumably French. I only know how to say "Do you speak German?" in French, so there's no chance I'm going to piece their rapid whispers together. The tension is palpable.

DP/Thomas: Right - we'll score your movie.

ME: You Will??!

DP/Thomas: Yeah, what the hell.

DP/Guy: On one condition: you agree to make some of the tracks with us.

At first I am crestfallen. But then...I break out in a wide smile. And a happy rash.


Me sitting at a keyboard flanked by Daft Punk - one with a keytar, one at the drums and we are rocking out. I am just playing the G Major scale over & over. Jam Session! I imagine the end result would be something a little like a-this.

property of Daft Punk and Virgin records, not me.

Battle wand!

battle wand fib
So, I was just trying to think of the coolest Pretending game I ever played as a child. It was probably the Make Your Own Radio Station game (I have hours of tapes where me and 3 friends sing disastrously off-pitch Disney songs interrupted occasionally by commercials about farting and tampons - forsooth, the unabashed innocence!) OR the Flea Junk game.

Flea junk was what I (and eventually everyone else, by my own clever machinations) called the pods the fell off the huge maple tree in my yard. When my dad raked the leaves, he made a very tall pile, that eventually was big enough to have crazy jumping "Sears Portrait Studio" style fun.
But inevitably we rolled onto some of these pods, which were often oozing a thick white liquid and they stank (I guess they're sort of the embryos of the tree and therefore all fertile and hormonal or something). So I had kind of a strong adversity toward them and their constant attempts to tree-mate with my jacket.

Eventually, I set down some ground rules to what had previously just been a jumping and flailing game.
Flea Junk (this name was pure propaganda to turn everyone else against the pods) was an evil, poisonous, fully sentient entity that wanted to attack us, and we were the Utopian ideal of pastoral goodness just trying to live our lives in this big pile of leaves and always do the right thing, but the Flea Junk would always be there - the classic Trickster - to try and corrupt us from the inside out and make us do things like not recycle our bubble wrap or slouch.

So of course to counter this Machiavellian chicanery, I had to use magic.
But not just any magic. It had to be a righteous magic of bravery and honor and Air Jordans. And so I developed the Battle Wand.


The Battle Wand was a piece of bendy bark that I found in the pile of leaves one time. And it was miraculous because you see the Battle Wand is not so much a physical thing, but an energy. It can travel through time & space and will arrive precisely at the moment it is needed, in whatever form is convenient for the Battle Wand at the time (I've found the Battle Wand can be a little on the lazy side when it comes to assuming physical form).

First of all, it basically has Undo powers over all of the Flea Junk's deviance. And if I had to, I could do some pirouetting to really take care of business. That Flea Junk never stood a chance!

The Battle Wand changes form, but always remains a beacon of truthfulness and friendship. Should you ever feel corruption is at your heels, simply cry out in your heart for the Battle Wand and it shall disperse all fleak junk style evil forthwith!
Probably in the form of something like a steering wheel or an iPhone - the Battle Wand is not that high-ranking on the creative thinking spectrum, either.
mike battlewanded

TRENDS: Big Pimpin' Edition

My pal Megan is an artist. Not the fake kind that has their CPA, and then when you ask them to hang out, instead of being chill and talking about Andrei Tarkovsky movies, instead likes to dart around like they're all eccentric and organic and have "Happenings" where they drink all the Night Train in your pantry and talk about having a sit-in. (the genie from Aladdin is one such example of this type of "artist")

But Megan is fly. She went to art school (come on, who didn't, ha) & her art is really sharp and kind of disturbing in totally cuddly, relatable ways. For example, she may have a really great drawing of some friends genuinely enjoying a rhubarb pie, but then you see their teeth and you're like, "weird what's going on there?"

Plus she's a 1984 Wood Rat and obviously deserves the kudos of a princess from Valhalla! mmm, kudos.

She even came up with these tremendously cute AND Ready-to-Wear pre-fall sneakers. Her pre-fall collection is pre-Fab if you ask me. And I know you would.

squid shoooz

watta hoot!

I think she's still selling the shoes, in case you are smart enough to realize they are THE Must Haves of the season. Check out her Tumbler HERE for more info and be amazed and awed. Or her blog HERE where you'll be instantly at least 3 times cooler (like temperature-wise; it will make you feel at ease and chilled off. Out. Whatev, i didn't go to Weather Doctor school).